Sound Mind and Heart Counseling


I Have No Patience

I Have No Patience

By In Uncategorized On February 7, 2016


Galatians 5:22

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. NLT

Patience does not come easily to me or most of my original family.  My sister is going through a long recovery and is struggling with it because it is taking so long.  I have always said that I have no patience, yet many people see this trait in my life.  I didn’t see it for a long time, but God has shown me the truth of it.

One of my favorite Evangelists says that patience is not about waiting for things.  It is about having the character to believe that God will take care of it.  I don’t have the patience to wait, but I do have the faith in God to take care of me when I have to do so.

So if you have no patience like me, work on your faith and belief in God.  This will grow your character and make it appear that you have patience.  It is almost like the phrase fake it until you make it.  Focus on your belief, trust and faith in God.  You will forget about the patience thing and be fantastic while you wait on God’s answer.

For those of you who have patience, my hat is off to you.  I don’t have it and I don’t want it, but God is good to give us a way to have it anyway. God has a real sense of humor.  Doesn’t He?

Good character is essential to being in a strong relationship with the Lord.  If you are seeking Him and doing what He wants you to do, your character will improve.  This like most of the Christian walk is a journey that does not end until we get to heaven.  It is a process that we live out every day.  Isn’t God good to us?

2 Corinthians 6:6

We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.  NLT

If you want more freedom in the Lord, we would love to help you.  Please visit our website for more information or to place a prayer request.  You may also call 618-203-3444 for an appointment.

About the Author


Meleah Paschall is a Certified Christian Counselor with over a decade of experience.

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