Sound Mind and Heart Counseling


Christmas Miracle

Christmas Miracle

By In Uncategorized On December 20, 2015


Isaiah 41:20

I am doing this so all who see this miracle will understand what it means-that it is the Lord who has done this, the Holy One of Israel who created it. NLT

Do you believe in miracles?  Would you like to see or hear about one?

Our God is still in the miracle business.  In my counseling sessions, I always try to begin and end with prayer.  In a session this week, the Holy Spirit prompted me to as the client what they needed that day.  The answer was that their hot water heater has gone out and that they needed a new one or for it to be very inexpensive to fit it.  We prayed.

The next day I received a text from the client.  “My daughter just told me that she doesn’t understand how, but that the hot water heater is working.  I told her about our conversation and prayer.”

You see the client and I had been studying the Lord’s Prayer that day.  In it, Jesus tells us that we are to ask for what we need that day.  We did and God provided.  Praise the Lord!

There are miracles all around us every day.  We just fail to notice or acknowledge the as such.  One of my favorite Evangelists puts it this way, “When you wake up every day, you have seen two miracles.  You opened both of your eyes.  You get another day!”

We must be thankful and acknowledge all that God does for us.  If we do this, He will give us many more miracles to share.

Psalm 66:5

Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for His people.  NLT

If you want more freedom in the Lord, we would love to help you.  Please visit our website for more information or to place a prayer request.  You may also call 618-203-3444 for an appointment.

About the Author


Meleah Paschall is a Certified Christian Counselor with over a decade of experience.

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