Sound Mind and Heart Counseling


Coping with Grief and Suicide

Coping with Grief and Suicide

By In Uncategorized On February 18, 2015

“My soul weeps because of grief. Strengthen me according to Your Word.” Psalms 119:28 NASB

We all suffer grief in our lives. Usually grief is because of a loss of a loved one, friend, baby, job or relationship. We do not understand why it happened. We feel guilty that we should have done something to prevent it. We deny it happened by keeping busy or not thinking about it. Meanwhile, it festers in our heart and mind.

The first step in this process is to acknowledge the loss. Cry and or talk about it. The first person that we should call to talk is The Lord. He knows your loss and feelings. He wants to comfort you, but you have to make the first step and talk to Him about it. Then things will begin to get better. Accept the loss by turning it over to God. He will show you the path of healing for you.

I lost a childhood friend last Thanksgiving to suicide. I live in another State and had not seen her in years, but it was a loss. Should I have reached out to her? Why had I lost track of her in life? These are all natural questions to ask. The danger is in not resolving it in your heart and mind. My resolution from this experience was to ask God to allow me to know if anyone in my daily life is in such despair and to be able to help them. This is where the second part of the verse is important. I gain strength from God’s Word. Daily seeking God through His Work is a fantastic way to learn what we should be doing and to gain the strength to act on it.

No one should be struggling or in need. If you want help, it is available. Focus on God’s will for you. He wants you to be healed and have a sound mind and heart. Please let me know if we can help you.

Make it a great day!

Meleah Paschall

About the Author


Meleah Paschall is a Certified Christian Counselor with over a decade of experience.

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