Sound Mind and Heart Counseling


Humble Again

Humble Again

By In Uncategorized On August 30, 2015

Humble Man

Ephesians 4:2-3

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, begin diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  NASB

Yes, we are back to humility this week.  When I first saw this verse, it was in another translation which did not use the word humility, but with all things God is consistent with His message.

Do you have those people in your life that it is hard to get along with them?  Yet, we are commanded to love them?  This at times seems to be impossible, but God knows what He is talking about.  We must choose to love those who give us the most trouble.  If we do not, then we will harbor unforgiveness which leads to bitterness and many other bad things.

So, what does this look like?  It is easy to do this if you do not have to interact with these people.  In my case, the biggest lot of them are my actual family.  So yes, I am struck.  I must see and live life with them.  The best way that I can describe it is to look at Larry the Cable Guy’s stand-up comedy.  Are you going to say things that you shouldn’t?  Yes, you will.   We try, but at some point we fail.  After we mess up, we must go to the Lord and admit our mistake.  (Blessing the Pygmies is okay, but not required. lol)  Then we must ask what we are to do to make it right.  Then do it, no matter how much that we do not want too.  This becomes a bridge of love that can help with the relationship.  If the other person is a follower of the Lord, peace in the relationship should follow, but I must warn you that it may not.  You see, the lesson is for you, my friend.   We must learn to be humble and obey to know how to love as Jesus did.  He gave His life for all of us with all of our sins and mess.

Will there always be peace?  I say yes you will have peace.  It is an added bonus if peace and love is restored in the relationship, but it does not always happen.  Then, yes, you will probably be praying like Larry the Cable Guy again!

We must remember the words of Jesus on love;

John 15:12

“This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” NASB

If you want more freedom in the Lord, we would love to help you.  Please visit our website for more information or to place a prayer request.  You may also call 618-203-3444 for an appointment.

About the Author


Meleah Paschall is a Certified Christian Counselor with over a decade of experience.

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